Access to cash is worth a great deal
The Banking Framework is an agreement with all of the main UK banks and building societies to provide free to use cash services for those that need it, right across the UK. Thanks to this agreement, Postmasters are helping their communities to continue withdrawing and depositing cash in areas where there are no other banking services. The agreement covers 3 year cycles, and we are in the process of securing our third Banking Framework Agreement.
While the framework that enables Post Office to provide this vital service for people is hugely positive, it is also fragile because it depends entirely on a commercial agreement between the banks and Post Office to support it.
Each bank has a choice about the services to offer via this agreement and everyone wants to see that continue. Whether it is through the Post Office or some other channel, we think you should be able to withdraw and deposit your cash somewhere close to you.
That is why we are campaigning for Government to place an obligation on banks to provide nationwide free-to-use cash services for both consumers and businesses who rely on cash day-to-day.
Did you know?
- Since inception in 2017, the Banking Framework’s total value of transactions processed through the Post Office has grown from £22 billion in 2017 to £26 billion in 2020, expected to reach £40 billion by 2026.
- £104 billion of cash has been passed over post office counters since the start of the framework, with 540 million transactions undertaken.
- Most ATMs in the UK are not a commercially viable alternative, with over a quarter charging the customer to make withdrawals.
- The new Banking Framework deal (Banking Framework 3) is currently being discussed in order to secure access to cash for millions for at least another 3 years.
It’s worth a great deal.
The role of the Post Office
- 43% of small businesses have said they would not survive without a Post Office
- Over £2bn of cash is withdrawn and deposited each month at Post Office branches.
- Annual volumes of cash withdrawals have grown by 46%, to £7.8 billion since the start of the Banking Framework, and cash deposits by 110% to £22.1 billion in the same period.
- The cash market is declining – and has been accelerated by COVID. But Post Office’s share of this continues to grow, as the bank branch closure process speeds up.
- Approximately 40% of counter cash withdrawals and 15% of counter cash deposits is undertaken at Post Office counters with the latter forecast to double by 2025.
- 2-3pm on Monday is the busiest hour of the week for deposits.
- 10-11am on Friday is the busiest hour for withdrawals.
Take ActionTake Our Quiz
Wanting to protect access to cash services may seem like an issue that will only affect the most vulnerable in our society. But the truth is that the knock-on effect of an uncontrolled move towards a cashless society will affect us all.
Take our short quiz to find out how.
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